The annual Stride Against Cancer is scheduled for Sunday, Jan 30, 2022. The Cayman Islands Cancer Association is in charge of putting this event together. Funds that are raised go towards helping fund the Cancer Society’s programs and activities. Cancer has no age or preference; cancer has affected everyone somehow in life. What makes this walk/run stand out from any other charitable walks/runs is how this event connects with both participants and volunteers who are bringing awareness to this illness.
“There are over 1300 participants and more than 100 volunteers between the walk/run in George Town and the one in North Side. Both events are non-competitive.”
School children can also stride against cancer at their school the Friday before the event is scheduled to take place.
This event is aimed at older individuals and towards every and any age group wanting to stride for the cause. This event also shows how diverse the Cayman community is. In the end, everyone has the same goal, and that goal is to stride against cancer.
Information on how to take part in this event has been listed below
Seven Mile Beach Stride
-Staggered start times for 1/4 Marathon (6.5 miles): 5:45am, 6am, 6:15am, 6:30am, 6:45am, 7am, 7:15am and 7:30am. To the Wharf Restaurant and back. Maximum 250 people in each start time. Start times are first come, first served. You will receive a color wristband on arrival.
-1/2 Marathon (13.1 miles) is a self-timed race with a 6 am start time.
North Side Stride
At Kaibo at 7 am, approximately 3 1/4 miles to Old Driftwood, turn around and 3 1/4 miles back to Kaibo. Breakfast and raffle. For more information, call Ann McFarland at 925 1899.
Little Stride
Taking place in Little Cayman at Southern Cross Club. Contact: Jen at **@so***************.com or Renita at ac******@so***************.com
Brac Stride
It will occur in Cayman Brac in 2022, but the date is TBD.
Register online at
Registration closes January 28 at 12:00pm. No registration on the day of the event!
Entry Fees: $25 CI/$32 US – before Jan 14 | $30 CI/$37 US – after Jan 14.
Groups of 10 or more receive the discounted price until registration ends on Jan 28. The payment must be made to the CICS office located at 114 Maple Rd. (Yellow building in front of GT hospital parking lot.) Alternatively, call CICS (949-7618) and make the payment over the phone.
All participants must read and agree to the Disclaimer to register.
Children under 12 are not permitted in any portion of the event unless accompanied by an adult. Completed entry forms must be received before participating in the event. Please call 949-7618, email in**@ci**.ky or visit for more information.